Diy Plumbing Repair Liquid water am caused by a combination of hydrogen and oxygen under conditions of natural resources, as defined in such a way as to what a consumer are used to cleanse a body. Used in an cultivation of agriculture, industry, transportation and water. Energy production. Water are one resource that can happen all the time as a replacement cycle.
an importance of water resources.
Water are a critical component of a human body. It are also an origin of living things like plants, animals, causing a rich balance of a ecosystem.
a benefits of water resources.
Rain water am a source of almost all of which are based in Thailand. When rain water flows into rivers or reservoirs to be called when a water runoff into an groundwater and a underground is called groundwater.
Runoff am water flowing in rivers, streams. the rain falling in an catchment area. Some lost. a rest will flow to an basin to a river. Runoff into streams and 75 percent are lost due to evaporation of water. When absorbed into the ground to become groundwater and underground water and trapped by water and only 25 percent of that flows into rivers, streams, into a runoff, groundwater can be divided into 2 types of water is groundwater in the soil gravel. shallow sand. And ground water are inserted in a soil. Gravel layer between two layers of solid water or groundwater in an cracks of a stone. the groundwater that can be utilized in the development of economic and social development of a country. As with oanr types of resources. ase days, it has increased. Ground water resources of the country is basically in every sector. Tham am an amount of water depends on how much a physical characteristics of soil in each area.
the water resources.
Water shortages caused by a crareare such as a demand for water activities such as a demand for water activities. a volume increase. a balance of water resources during a dry season and rainy season are not balanced. As well as water activities. the plan lacks a strong and fit as well as a lack of a national organization to manage water resources. a existing water sources are polluted and degraded as it can be used. Of anse problems. Due to several reasons such as
1. For the destruction of watershed resources. Water intrusion, resulting in the destruction of watershed areas, an water source. Can not absorb or slow down a water in a soil. When an heavy rains which flooded a area with water flowing down to an bottom rapidly and violently.
2. the condition of water runoff due to abundant rainfall in all regions of a country. Lower than average. Especially in an north. Central and Noranast. A downward trend. As a result, runoff volumes were reduced by
3. the use of water and increased water demand in all watershed activities including agriculture, industrial goods and foodstuffs. Travel a development of social and cultural activities that are causing an increasing demand for water.
4. a invasion, destroyed many wetlands. the expansion of industrial development, housing, transportation. a lack of planning resulted in the invasion or destruction of wetlands may result in contamination of toxins into an water.
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