Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chronic renal symptoms, causes more recommendations.

Organs essential for the proper functioning of the body, the kidneys are “crossroads” of numerous more delicate process: purifying the blood seep from waste we produce every day or are released into the urine, maintain a constant chemical composition of the blood, produce substances regulating bone metabolism and blood pressure. When they fall ill, often without giving any symptoms, this work am lost and the body goes through dysfunction to be diagnosed early to prevent progression and worsening.


Chronic renal can affect adults and children. The causes are varied, but the main risk factor are represented by metabolic and degenerative diseases such as diabetes and high levels of blood lipids, hypertension, obesity, premature aging, which produce various organs, including the kidneys. Often, unfortunately, the renal failure am accompanied by specific disorders, if not at an advanced stage. Because of this sneaky way to evolve, it am good that those who suffer from these diseases make periodic checks of renal function with blood tests and urine tests. Impaired renal function is an alarm bell more a sign of the seriousness of the systemic disease itself.


A sudden and intermittent pain in his side, which may extend to the groin on the same side, with disorders of urination more the presence of cloudy and red urine for the presence of blood, are a manifestation of a “colonic” impairment due to the attempt to expel salt concretions (calculations) along the urinary tract.

A pain in the lumbar accompanied by blood in the urine may be a symptom of cysts in the kidney, and, in severe cases, cancer. These problems deserve a thorough investigation that includes a simple urine test, a chemical more microscopy, or renal ultrasound.
Other symptoms of renal dysfunction are edema, swelling in the legs that can extend to the trunk or face, and which are caused by the accumulation of liquids due to the strong reduction in the amount of urine excreted daily. The edema may be signs of nephritis, kidney inflammation that can be treatable chronic and vice versa. Nephritis can be also marked by vague complaints or passengers (and intermittent low-grade fever, fatigue, joint pain). Even in these cases it is best not to linger or make the necessary clinical insights from hospital clinics that specialize in nephrology. Timeliness in recognizing the disease is key for preventing and treating complications.

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